Monday, August 2, 2010

Vent: Here.

Just so you know, I'm fully aware that the following words are not so much "pearls of wisdom" as they are words of frustration.

While driving to work today, I began pondering a certain situation with a friend that's been on my mind lately. This friend is acting weird. Point blank. Nothing drastic or otherwise notable has happened in either of our lives lately, and yet, it's as if we are suddenly on completely different pages. It is quite possibly the most frustrating, annoying, and upsetting thing that could happen. I just want to shake them and ask "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

Then I thought to myself...what if it's just me being crazy? Imagining that there is an issue when in fact, everything is as usual? Such a thought is disturbing, because, I realized, I will never know if it is just me! I can never go outside my own body and look at my own behavior from an objective standpoint. I will always decipher my actions and words as correct, because...well...they're mine.

Really, I'm just flat out bummed. This friend is a good, nay, best friend. And suddenly I feel as if things are not the all. And though I have a slight notion why, I'll never know if that notion is true. Sure, honesty may drive this friend to confess that indeed, something in their life that I wasn't informed about is causing a behavior change. But if this truth is never displayed, I will just go on wondering if it is in fact them, or sadly, me.

Ah, to be a fly on the wall.

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