Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Ya wanna know something I have never understood? Well...even if you say to yourself: "No, I don't really care to know." You're gonna.

I do NOT understand why some people are hardcore fans of sports teams, when they have absolutely no tie to them. And it's not that I get particularly annoyed about people who are diehard fans of the consistently winning sports teams, like the Yankees, Red Sox, Lakers, etc. It's the bad teams, too. Because then it's like they are being diehard fans of the sucky teams so that when they finally win, they feel like they will be able to say "I've liked them all along," as if that's some sort of accomplishment.

I like the Indianapolis Colts. Mainly because I think Peyton Manning is hilarious, a fantastic football player, and an even better person. BUT, my loyalties are with Dallas teams/Texas teams. Whether they bring championships home or not, that's where I'm from, and that is who I cheer for.

So WHY when I go to watch my dear Rangers play against the Yankees, is half of the ballpark full of Yankees fans? (Of course, when we make it to playoffs, it's Rangers fans with a few Yanks speckled in.) Have even HALF of those 'fans' ever been to New York? Better yet, lived there? Do you like them because of Babe Ruth? Because of A-Rod? Because they win a lot of World Series? And ALL the Lakers fans and Saints fans...what is the draw? Would you like them if they had the Lions record?

I just can't understand having such loyalties to a place you have no serious ties to, other than their winning record.